
What makes LMM different from every other market in Calgary?
LMM offers a unique experience with dedicated shoppers. Access to amazing photographers for discounted photos + services leading up to the market. Professional photos from market day. Optional lunch delivery to your booth. Option to set up the night before and/or the morning of the event. Tips to get the most exposure leading up to and on market day. Clear communication with all the info you will need to feel comfortable, confident and ready for the event. Alignment with an event that gives back to local charities and has been running since 2016. Brand Recognition: Individual promo of every vendor to our over 42K local followers on social media (2-3 images). Linked logo listed on our website. Your shop included in email shoutouts to our subscribers.
Why did you change venues from ATCO Park to FAC Deerfoot Campus?
The cost. The rental fees sky rocketed after covid, and increased with each event that was held in the space. It became unaffordable. At the new venue (FAC Deerfoot Campus) vendors are given more space (ex. 7'X7' for the same price as 6'x5' at the previous venue). This venue change also allows us to help 5 local charities each year, by having free entry with 'donate what you can' at the door. Have a different venue idea for LMM? Send it on through to hello@littlemodernmarket.com
ATCO Park seemed to be so much busier.
Truth be told we have the same amount of shoppers walking through the door at the new venue. The new venue is bigger with less vendors, giving shoppers more space to move around and shop. The number one complaint LMM received from shoppers was that ATCO Park was too tight, making shopping very difficult and at times frustrating.
How many shoppers do you expect through the door?
LMM can not guarantee the amount of shoppers through the door at any event. We have a proven and consistent traffic flow with customers that come to spend.
Do I need to apply for every Little Modern Market individually or can I apply once for the year?
You must apply to each market individually.
Is my shop/product a good fit for LMM?
Not every shop/product is a good fit for LMM shoppers. It is always suggested that you attend as a visitor to check out the market to see if it is a good fit for you.
I applied, but didn't get accepted?
LMM has many applications come in so there is no guarantee that you will be accepted. There are many reasons why shops do not get accepted to LMM. Here are a few common ones: info is not correctly filled out on application, the shop does not meet the requirements of the venue, the category for your shop is full, your shop is not a good fit for our demographic of shoppers (we want vendors to connect with our shoppers and to be profitable).
Why did I not get accepted in back to back markets?
LMM's goal is to offer our shoppers a different shopping experience at each event. It is also important that at least 1/4 of the acceptance go out to brand new (to LMM) vendors, giving new shops the exposure and shoppers something new.
Do you accept applications from outside provinces?
Absolutely! We love to support all Canadian makers + small shops.
What is the cost of a booth?
Our booths come in 3-4 sizes. Pricing can be found on the application.
Are chairs + tables provided?
Chairs are provided at not extra cost. Tables are provided if you wish at $10+gst each. The tables are 6'x2.5' folding tables.
Do you provide table coverings?
No, we DO NOT provide table cloths, you are required to bring your own.
Is electricity provided?
Electricity is provided ONLY for vendors that require it free of charge.